The OECD Interface

The OECD Interface software suite provides a means to discover, download, and convert SDMX-JSON data sets into CSV files. The files can be further processed to select a subset according to set criteria (e.g. industries with electricity), with specific fixed (normalized) column types. The suite covers:

  • downloading list of all OECD data set IDs and descriptions;
  • downloading list of all data set schema;
  • downloading all OECD SDMX-JSON data sets;
  • converting all time period data sets to un-pivoted CSV files;
  • selecting a subset according to set criteria with specific fixed (normalized) column types
  • concatenating this subset of fixed column CSV files into an overall master CSV file.

There is also the means to work with just OECD frequency dimension data, which are a subset of the main time period data sets. This suite covers :

  • identifing frequency dimension (annual/quarterly) supporting schema;
  • downloading just OECD SDMX-JSON data sets with a frequency dimension;
  • converting frequency dimension data sets to multi-indexed CSV files.

The OECD Interface software suite is written for Python 3.5, pandas 0.24.2, and uses the pandasdmx 0.8.2 Python package to convert SDMX-JSON files to multi-indexed CSV files.

Software Suite

Downloads the XML data structure schema for the data set IDs using the http query The XML schema are then parsed for the data IDs and descriptions, which are saved in a CSV file. Any HTTP comms failures are logged.

Logs: logs/oecd_keyfamilies.logs
Data In: data from OECD server
Data Out: OECD_keys/OECD_key_names.csv

Downloads the XML schema for each of the data set IDs using the http query, and saves as an XML file. Any HTTP comms failures are logged. Execution should complete in around seven minutes.

Logs: logs/oecd_schama.logs
Data In: data from OECD server; OECD_keys/OECD_key_names.csv
Data Out: OECD_schema/<dataset id>.xml

Downloads the SDMX-JSON data set for each data set ID using the http query<id>/all/all. The JSON data is saved without newlines and indentation in order to save space. The program takes three or four hours to download all the files, mainly due to HTTP timeouts or lack of server availability.

Logs: logs/oecd_datasets.log
Data In: data from OECD server; OECD_keys/OECD_key_names.csv
Data Out: OECD_json_datasets/<dataset id>.json

Iterates through the OECD_json_datasets directory attemting to load each data set ID JSON file into pandasdmx. Those failing to load due to KeyError or Unicode Errors are logged in the appropriate error CSV file. Those data sets with a time period (which also includes the subset of those with a frequency dimension) are converted to pandas DataFrames and saved to a CSV file.

Logs: error_reports/key_errors.csv; error_reports/unicode_errors.csv, error_reports/no_time_period.csv
Data In: OECD_json_datasets/<id>.json
Data Out: OECD_csv_datasets/<id>.csv

Analyses, selects and merges CSV data sets that match a set of criteria, as follows:

Stage 1. Reads each data set CSV file in the OECD_csv_datasets directory, and looks for evidence of a column matching one of the column criteria. A DataFrame of candidate (matching column) data sets is created.

Stage 2. Iternates through the candidate DataFrames and produces a new DataFrame for each, consisting only of rows that match a content criteria for the column of interest. If the resulting DataFrame is not empty (i.e. content was found), then stage 3 is carried out on that DataFrame.

Stage 3. This standardises the column names to a given template (YEAR, series, INDUSTRY, MEASURE, NATION). First there is a tuple-column clean-up, followed by the column rename, and a futher clean up and rename of alternate industry and country column names. Finally any additional columns that are not in the template are merged together as tuples under the MEASURE column. If the MEASURE column does not exist it is created. Each data set reaching this stage is saved with an _C in the file name.

Stage 4. This takes all the _C files from stage 3, loads them, and concatenates them into a single data set and saved as oecd_merged.csv.

Logs: none
Data In: OECD_csv_datasets/<id>.csv
Data Out: OECD_csv_processed/<id>_C.csv, OECD_csv_processed/oecd_merged.csv

Typical Workflow

As a program can rely on the output of another program, they should be run in the following order:

  2. (optional)


Additions to the main software suite for diagnostic purposes, or for working on a smaller number of data sets.

Parses the XML schema for each data set ID to see if it supports a frequency dimension such as annual, quarterly, etc. Data set IDs that support a frequency dimension are stored in a CSV file.

Logs: none
Data In: OECD_keys/OECD_key_names.csv; OECD_schema/<dataset id>.xml
Data Out: OECD_keys/FREQ_key_names.csv

Only downloads the SDMX-JSON data set for each data set ID having a frequency domain, using the http query<id>/all/all. The JSON data is saved without newlines and indentation in order to save space.

Logs: logs/oecd_datasets.log
Data In: data from OECD server; OECD_keys/FREQ_key_names.csv
Data Out: OECD_json_datasets/<dataset id>.json

Uses the previously generated list of SDMX-JSON files supporting the frequency domain to read in the corresponding JSON files, load them into pandasdmx, produce a pandas data frame for annual data, and save to a multi-indexed CSV file.

Logs: error_reports/freq_unicode_errors.csv; error_reports/freq_key_errors.csv
Data In: OECD_json_datasets/<dataset id>.json; OECD_keys/FREQ_key_names.csv
Data Out: OECD_csv_datasets_A/<dataset id>_A.csv

Downloads the SDMX-JSON data set for each data set ID having previously been noted as unavailable due to a request timeout, using the http query<id>/all/all.

NOTE: if a data set is successfully retrieved it is not removed from timed_out.csv. At the moment this has to be corrected manually. timed_out.csv and http500.csv are also manually created at the moment.

Logs: logs/timedout.log
Data In: data from OECD server; error_reports/timed_out.csv
Data Out: OECD_json_datasets/<dataset id>.json

Issues and Limitations

OECD Data Availability

Potentially there are 1198 OECD data sources available. However, at time of writing 101 are not accessible due to the server not being available (HTTP error 500), and 55 are not accessible due to the HTTP data request timing out (a total of 156 data sources not available). Unavailable data sources have been marked up in a spreadsheet.


The 0.8.2 version of the pandasdmx Python package, though able to load all time period SDMX-JSON data (excluding the KeyError issues) is only able to convert to pandas DataFrames those with a frequency dimension present. However, frequency dimension data sets only account for 219 data sources, of which only 128 of these are available from the OECD data server due to accessibility issues. This leaves 979 data sources without a frequency dimension. To solve this in-house code was written to convert all time period data to pandas DataFrames allowing access to 835 data sets.

The following is a summary of know issues with pandasdmx 0.7.0:

Unicode Errors

pandasdmx throws a Unicode exception for 63 data sets. One is due to malformed JSON (use of non-escaped double quotes), the rest are in Portuguese, caused by a capital A with an inflexion. Apart from the malformed JSON data set, there is no move to fix this as the Portuguese data is a duplicate of data available in English.

KeyError exception

pandasdmx is unable to read in data due to throwing a KeyError exception for some non-frequency dimension data sets.

Unable to create DataFrame

pandasdmx is unable to create a pandas DataFrame for non-frequency dimension data sets. However in-house code has been written to convert the JSON-SDMX data loaded into pandasdmx into pandas DataFrames.